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2015 (2)
Mark Fry

Mark Fry

Business Development Director at Atos UK
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Bio Expert at helping market leading financial services organisations drive value and change from technological innovation, with a focus on business technology that powers progress, achieved measurable business outcomes and helps organisations to create their future Career History A thirty year career spanning - Systems Integration; BPO outsourcing; Direct Marketing; Financial Services Distribution Strategy; Business Development and Sales



TERMINATOR 30 Billion: Rise of the Internet of Things

21 Jul 2015

In the month that the latest film in the blockbuster Terminator sci-fi series was released, I’m afraid I just couldn’t resist using the above title for this article. It was triggered by my participation at an event set up by TechUK: which went by the catchy title of ‘Securing the IoT: Overcoming the risks associated wit...



Driverless Cars: watch motor insurance run for cover

15 Jun 2015

To quote the 3 March Wall Street Journal: ‘The Driverless Car, Officially, is a Risk’. Car insurers are starting to include driverless cars as Risk Factors in their annual reports. Why? Because they will reshape customer demand, the way policies are priced, and the incidence and severity of accidents. All of a sudden, the driver is not the pivot ...